Thursday, January 10, 2013

So, here I go with the whole blog thing! I thought since I wanted to do something slightly more interesting with my time that I procrastinate a blog would be the perfect thing! Here goes nothing...

Recently I have been on my Christmas break from school. Five weeks free of studying, cramming, busy schedules, stressing, and cafeteria food. Did I mention three of those weeks were spent at the beach? It has been a wonderful time! I got to spend time with my families (all three of them - that's another story for another post), enjoy a trip to DISNEY WORLD on Christmas Eve, get a nice summer glow back to my skin, and simply do what I want to when I want to. Fantastic, right? Yes! One of the things that I have enjoyed most about this break is the time that I have to sit and think. I think about a lot of things, mostly ridiculously silly things, but a lot of my spare time is spent thinking about God. Yup, I said it:  God.

I am a strong believer in Christ and beyond thankful for the gift of salvation that He so graciously gives despite how much we don't deserve it. With extra time on my hands, I try to spend more time in prayer and my daily readings. I find new things everyday that bring me to an awe and amazement that I can't really describe. My words don't give His Word justice. I've thought about a lot over this break. I have thought about forgiveness and the weight that I forgiveness holds on us as a fallen nation. I have thought about serving the least of these and how believers are supposed to be the hands and feet of God. I have thought about the call to be disciples of Christ, always acting and speaking in a way that reflects His influence in your life to others. I have thought about salvation and opportunities that I have foolishly missed to witness to those around me. I have gone toe to toe with conviction, examining my daily life and actions to see just how well I am fulfilling the commands of our Heavenly Father. I often times reassure myself that I am doing a lot better than so many other people around me, trying to convince myself that what I am doing is enough to get me by. What I have discovered, though, is that how good someone is does not reflect a true relationship with Christ. AT ALL. There are plenty of good people, even great people, that lack a relationship with our Savior. And I feel so sorry for them. I cannot imagine who I would be without Christ. My identity is rooted in Him. Although I identify myself as a Christian, I still fail daily at it. I am a sinner. And sometimes, I sin on purpose. I tell little white lies to a friend to protect them from the truth. I go five over the speed limit when I know that it is set at forty. I find myself putting Facebook, twitter, gossip, and so much more before time with God. I'm a failure. But, guess what? I have been saved. I have Christ in my heart, guiding my footsteps. Sometimes I falter, but He is always reaching His hand out to have a relationship with me. He loves me so dearly that He died for me. Me. And all I can do in return is live for Him.

I have only been on my walk with Christ for about two years now, so I'm still new at the whole thing in some respects. But, despite that, I have never had so much joy and peace in my life as I have had over these past two years. It was slight in the beginning, but now I seem to always be consumed in the joy that Christ provides for me everyday! For goodness sakes, I'm breathing because of Him, the giver of life! What's not to be joyful about?

I think that about does it for my first post. God bless!

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